Gal-loving JK wants to be a gal Manga

Categories:   Comedy   Romance   School Life   Slice Of Life   Award Winning   Official Colored   Gyaru
Release: 2025
Author: minami
Status: Updated
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Gal-loving JK wants to be a gal Manga Summary
\"Living as a gal is seriously the best!!\" Mimiru was an introvert in middle school, but when she entered high school, she made her long-awaited debut as a gal, thinking \"Maybe I can become a gal too!?\" She made friends with three girls: Yuuhi, a cool beauty with a calm and pretty look; Fuuka, a cute gal with a soft and fluffy look; and Kurumi, a cheerful and energetic gal who is good at sports. Now she has joined the gal group she has always admired! While she lives the sparkling life she has always dreamed of, she also pushes herself too hard to keep up with her friends. And she also notices new feelings growing within her...