Ikemen Kishi Wo Hirottanda Ga Doushitara Ii? Manga

Categories:   Comedy   Drama   Fantasy   Romance
Alternative: Picked up a handsome knight, what should I do? ; イケメン騎士を拾ったんだがどうしたらいい?~恋するMOON DOGスピンオフ~ ; Nhặt được kỵ sĩ điển trai, biết làm sao bây giờ?
Author: Yamada Nanpei
Status: Updated
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Ikemen Kishi Wo Hirottanda Ga Doushitara Ii? Manga Summary
Maki, a barkeeper, comes home one day to find a foreigner in armor laying on his doorstep. Maki is at a loss, unable to understand the man's language and ways as he claims to be a 14th century English knight...? A spin-off of the popular series "Koisuru MOON DOG" by Yamada Nanpei, featuring a younger puppy-like knight × a loving bar owner!