Mabataki Yori Hayaku!! Manga

Categories:   Sports
Alternative: 瞬きより迅く‼
Author: Funatsu Kazuki
Status: Updated
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Mabataki Yori Hayaku!! Manga Summary
La historia se centra en Himari Kohanai, una estudiante de 15 años que odia ser torpe. Quiere pasar página en la preparatoria, pero es un desastre, sin embargo, y a pesar de todo, Himari hará cualquier cosa para acercarse a la persona que admira. Aunque sea meterse en un mundo totalmente desconocido... Una historia donde poco a poco nuestra personaje principal crecerá para alcanzar su meta. (google translate of above with minor editing for gender): The story centers on Himari Kohanai, a 15-year-old student who hates being clumsy. She wants to make her page in high school, but it's a mess, though, and yet Himari will do anything to get close to the person she admires. Even if it's getting into a totally unknown world... A story where little by little our main character will grow to reach her goal.