Oshiego Ni Kyouhaku Sareru No Wa Hanzai Desuka? Manga

Categories:   Comedy   Drama   Harem   Romance
Alternative: Is it illegal to be blackmailed by your student?; 教え子に脅迫されるのは犯罪ですか?
Author: SAGARA Sou
Status: Updated
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Oshiego Ni Kyouhaku Sareru No Wa Hanzai Desuka? Manga Summary
English Tenjin, a 27-year-old teacher who works at a cram school for students taking entrance exams for high school and middle school. While he is talented at teaching elementary school students, he holds no love for children. He coldly contents himself with grinding through his job while training his colleague JD and being tossed about by the cruel currents of life. But one day, while teaching a fifth-grade class, one of his students hugs him close and tells him that she loves him. And a 14-year old middle-school student named Seika sees the entire thing. Seika blackmails him into giving her "personal lessons" at night. Indonesia Cerita seri ini berpusat pada Tenjin, seorang guru berusia 27 tahun yang bekerja di sekolah pesiar untuk siswa yang mengikuti ujian masuk untuk sekolah menengah atas dan sekolah menengah pertama. Meskipun ia berbakat mengajar siswa sekolah dasar, ia tidak memiliki cinta untuk anak-anak. Dia dengan dingin isinya sendiri dengan menggiling melalui pekerjaannya sambil melatih rekannya JD dan dilemparkan oleh arus kehidupan yang kejam.

Oshiego Ni Kyouhaku Sareru No Wa Hanzai Desuka? Manga Chapters

Chapter Name Date Added
Oshiego Ni Kyouhaku Sareru No Wa Hanzai Desuka? Ch. 0 Wednesday, December 5, 2018