Transmigration Journal : The making of a Star Manga

Categories:   Fantasy   Historical
Alternative: 穿越之造星记,
Author: 知音漫客
Status: Updated
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Transmigration Journal : The making of a Star Manga Summary
Zhuang Min is a popular artiste's assistant, due to one accident while filming an ancient set, she transmigrates to another world! Become a maid servant of a big family! After a series of shock, she reluctantly accept that she doesn't have the luck of other transmigrators , she decide to rebel against the norms , shaving off her servant status and obtaining freedom! A few miracles meetings, Zhuang Min gains some support, adventuring in the ancient era creating her leisure kingdom, and also some hot guys! 庄敏是一名明星小助理,一次古装剧临演意外中,她穿着戏服穿越了!穿越成了一个大户人家的丫鬟!经过一系列现实冲击后,她只得接受自己没有金手指的命运,并决定奋起反抗,摆脱奴籍,重获自由身!几番奇遇之后,庄敏终于挣得了一点身家,在古代创造起她的娱乐帝国,还觅得美男归!

Transmigration Journal : The making of a Star Manga Chapters

Chapter Name Date Added
Transmigration Journal : The making of a Star Ch. 1 Wednesday, July 18, 2018