Manga Name:Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai!
Jahy-sama ha Kujikenai!; Jahy-sama ne se découragera pas !; Jahy-sama Won't Be Discouraged!; Джахи-сама не будет отчаиваться!; ジャヒー様はくじけない!; 쟈히님은 굴하지 않아!
Slice Of Life
Magical Girls
Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai! Manga Summary:
Jahy-sama (pronounced jah-hee) is an existence to be feared and respected throughout the Demon Realm.
Well, was.
The (former) Demon Realm No. 2 is now busy with house chores and the human realm! Her dinner is just beansprouts, and she can't afford anything except water at cafes, but she won't get discouraged!
Note: Jahy's shirt says '魔界復興', which seems to translate to 'Demon Realm Restoration'.
Author's Twitter: aconbwakame
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