Bouzu Kawaiya Kesa Made Itoshi Manga

Categories:   Romance   Yaoi
Alternative: 坊主かわいや袈裟までいとし; The monk is so cute, I love even his Kayasa.
Author: Akira Honma
Status: Updated
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Bouzu Kawaiya Kesa Made Itoshi Manga Summary
Daimaru, the son of a Buddhist priest, meets Miroku, also son of a Buddhist priest, at a doujou for a 10-day stay to start his priesthood. They promise each other to shave their heads together when they take over their temples. Ten years later, Daimaru, who has become assistant to the chief priest of their temple, visits a beauty salon to get his head shaved. But there he is shocked to meet Miroku again who has become a hair stylist.