Mesu Oniisan (Anthology) Manga

Categories:   Yaoi
Alternative: Good Things Bad Things; Mesu Onii-san; Nichoume no Nagai Yoru; 雌お兄さん
Author: Haji, Kashio, MATSUMOTO Yoh, MICHINOKU Atami, Mitsuko, MIYAKO Mimeko, Pii, Romu, SOUTOME Emu
Status: Completed
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Mesu Oniisan (Anthology) Manga Summary
Includes: 1. 「兄弟ごっこの恋模様」 by Miyako Mimeko 2. "Good Things Bad Things" 「イイことわるいこと」 by Michinoku Atami An exam student refuses to be teached by his neighbour sensei. The reason for that isn't what you would expect. 3. 「ロックアップモーテルで待ってる」 by SOUTOME Emu 4. "Nichoume no Nagai Yoru" 「二丁目の長い夜」 by Kashio A fated encounter in a club between an Oji-san and one very beautiful boy. Will Oji-san figure out who the boy is? 5. 「ぼくといやらしい先生」 by Romu 6. 「パパは先生に知ってほしい。」 by MATSUMOTO Yoh 7. 「ノラ猫の甘い憂鬱」 by Haji 8. 「君は知らない」 by Mitsuko 9. 「演じてラヴァー」 by Pii