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Bless Manga

Categories:   Action   Adventure   Comedy   Fantasy   Tragedy
Alternative: 블레스
Author: Yoon Chun
Status: Updated
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Bless Manga Summary
Yidun, a boy who suddenly fell from the sky can only remember two things: His name, and the fact that he will cease to exist if he doesn't find the 5 hidden treasures to defeat the demon king. With only 79 days left to find the treasures Yidun still cannot pass by people who are in need without lending a helping hand. Can he defeat the demon king in under 80 days and avoid his death? Français : Tombé du ciel, Yidun dispose de 90 jours pour trouver les 5 Trésors qui lui permettront de vaincre le Roi Démon. "Laaaaarge", pensa l'intéressé. "Bouge-toi quand même un peu", lui rappela son super pote Koopie le Panda. Le temps lui est compté (mais no stress) !