Harry Potter dj - Itaike na Shizuku (Doujinshi) Manga

Alternative: Harry Potter dj - Innocent Drop; HP Dj - Itaike na Shizuku
Author: SHITARA Anna
Status: Completed
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Harry Potter dj - Itaike na Shizuku (Doujinshi) Manga Summary
From Aku-Tenshi: Draco denies his feelings for Harry, Harry just go for it. Lucius, Rememberall, and a miserable Draco. How will this couple coup to stay together? There is sex in this and has scenes of rape, so beware.

Harry Potter dj - Itaike na Shizuku (Doujinshi) Manga Chapters

Chapter Name Date Added
Harry Potter dj Itaike na Shizuku (Doujinshi) Oneshot Tuesday, January 15, 2019