Human Clock Manga

Categories:   Horror   Psychological
Alternative: 怪談人間時計; Ningen Tokei; Scary Story: Human Clock
Author: Tokunan Seiichirō
Status: Updated
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Human Clock Manga Summary
"When I talk about ‘warped manga from a warping mind’, I’m thinking about this kind of incoherent story. ‘The Human Clock’ is a lot simpler to explain. The hero is Yubi Chizuo again. He’s a student like before, but this time round he’s a dropout. He stays in hi...  "When I talk about ‘warped manga from a warping mind’, I’m thinking about this kind of incoherent story. ‘The Human Clock’ is a lot simpler to explain. The hero is Yubi Chizuo again. He’s a student like before, but this time round he’s a dropout. He stays in his house, which is a family shop selling watches and clocks. He gazes and gazes at the clocks. Little by little, he turns into a clock. That is the entire story. It reminds me of Kafka’s Metamorphosis." from Manga Zombie. Show less